Monday, December 19, 2011

The Daily Practice! Insomnia and the Art of Rest!

Every few months I battle a bout of insomnia. It's not fun and it sure ain't pretty! It takes a hold from seemingly out of nowhere and then a few days fly by and I'm feeling funky, feeling down, overwhelmed and can't seem to catch up. I learn a lot every time. I learn that I am only human, that I can only do so much, that I am in love with life more than I know and that just because I want to live it fully and share it fully does not mean that I have to do so in one week and that by not doing so does not make me any less of a woman. I learn that I have to intervene before it comes on, that I need to not stress on the things that I can't control and that I need to let go. I learn that each day I need to take time to reflect, to slow down and let life happen. More often than not I sleep with no problems as my body is often so damn ready for it, but then moments like last week happen and I need to refocus. Sleep is so important, it is our ally. Without it we get caught in a viscous cycle of up, down, up down....stimulants to keep us going and going which makes us more wasted and in more need. Adequate sleep is a must in any attempt to live a healthy life. It is just as important in the clean living - healthy living cycle as quality nutrition, movement and stress reduction. While we sleep at night, we heal and recuperate from the wear and tear of our day. Our liver and digestive system gets to catch up on all we gave it to deal with throughout the day. While we sleep is when our liver is alive, detoxifying and reinvigorating. Unfortunately, more and more people find it necessary to cut back on their sleep. The consequences for their health and quality of life can be devastating. "Clinical studies have shown that sleep deprivation can be a contributing factor to a number of lifestyle-related illnesses – among them obesity, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Patients with persistent sleep deficits have routinely shown alterations in their metabolism, inhibiting their ability to manage glucose levels by making their cells increasingly insulin resistant.

Sleeplessness can lead to imbalances in the release of stress hormones, such as cortisol. Potential consequences are weakening of the immune system, risk of a variety of chronic illnesses as well as psychological effects, such as memory loss, mood swings and depression. Sleep deprivation may also have a significant impact on one’s life expectancy."

Damn if that ain't enough to convince you to get some quality sleep....what then do you need?!

Here are a few tips to help you get a good night's sleep:

  • Exercise....yes! It’s actually known to help you sleep better. Your body uses the sleep period to recover its muscles and joints that have been exercised. Twenty to thirty minutes of exercise every day can help you sleep, but be sure to exercise in the morning or afternoon. Exercise stimulates the body and aerobic activity before bedtime may make falling asleep more least that's what I find sometimes.
  • Stick to a schedule: Sticking to a schedule allows your body to set its internal rhythm so you can get up at the time you want, consistently, every single day....this I need to work on!
  • Taking a hot shower or bath before bed helps bring on sleep because they can relax tense muscles.
  • Avoid eating just before bed. Give yourself at least 2 hours from when you eat to when you sleep. This allows for digestion to happen (or at least start) well before you go to sleep so your body can rest well during the night, rather than churning away your food
  • Avoid caffeine at night....duh right? Not always easy to remember to do for me when I want to keep going....Mate is just soooo good!!
  • Drink an herbal tea blend for sleep...see below.
  • Read a book in bed. Not only are you learning alot but you can take your mind away form your own life
  • Avoid alcohol before bedtime. It’s a depressant; although it may make it easier to fall asleep, it causes you to wake up during the night. As alcohol is digested your body goes into withdrawal from the alcohol, causing nighttime awakenings and often nightmares for some people and it makes your liver have to focus on that and not all the other stuff it needs to focus on while doing it's job over night

Here is an exercise I find very helpful to practice every evening before bed (I just need to do it more!):

  • Lie down in a quiet place and place a glass of water beside you
  • Relax the muscles in your body. Go through and consciously relax your legs, butt, abdomen, back, shoulders, arms, neck and face
  • Let all the tension of the day subside and bring your attention to your breathing
  • Let your inhalation naturally become a little deeper and your exhalation a little longer
  • As you take 3 slow breaths imagine your body becomes filled with water, as pure as a mountain stream. Feel the water regenerate all your cells, removing toxins and filling them with vitality
  • Bring your attention back to reality and sit up. Slowly drink the glass of water. With each sip taste the water and be aware that the major constituent of your body is water. Be aware that this water is purifying and detoxifying.
  • Now go pee before you go to bed!

Herbs for sleep:

Being an herbalist, I have experimented plenty and have worked with many people on a wide variety of issues. One of which is often the sleep issue. Here is a quickie on 2 herbs for sleep, addressing either the mind or the body...but be in touch if you want/need more specifics for YOU! However, nothing should replace the need to get to the root of why you are not sleeping.

Passionflower: One of my personal favorites! Passionflower is great for folks who have trouble with sleep because their brain won't slow down. It helps to reduce some of the brain chatter as well as the anxiety and nervousness that may go along with it.

Valerian Root: Valerian is great for those who's body won't let them sleep. Those whose muscles are ticking away or digestive system is overworking. Valerian helps to reduce the amount of time it takes to slip into a deep sleep.

Sundown and Slowdown: For years I had a medicinal tea business. The teas were available throughout New England and this was one of my best sellers! It is a blend of chamomile, skullcap, passionflower, hope and california poppy. A great blend! And still available in bulk at Healthy Living in Burlington.

For kids having trouble sleep...Lemon Balm is often a great and tasty choice, either as tea or as a glycerite.

So my challenge to you for this week's Daily Practice is to mindful of your sleep!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Daily Practice...Conscious Gifting

Tis the time of year that many people are in search of the perfect gift to pass on to a loved one, a friend or a family member. I have to admit that I have a real hard time with this time of year, the concept of gift giving and with the amount of waste that abounds. We stopped giving gifts in my family a long time ago and we all are thankful. There are certainly ways of giving that don't require excess waste, dollars we don't actually have to be spent, and gifts that support the environment rather than exploit it. We have all heard this over the years, with every Christmas season that comes around: "Give the gift of love" and "Think about the needy" and "We don't need to show people we love them with gifts"....redundant right? We know it yet more often than not, do not follow it right because it really does feel good to give! I challenge you to live this. To continue to be the giver of yourself and your services, the environmentalist, the doer, etc...just do so by living it through this time of year as well. Christmas doesn't have to be an exception to your values and to doing what you know is right. At the risk of sounding "righteous" or a "downer" on christmans...think consciously about what you buy: is it really needed? Is is a waste of plastic? Don't you think kids and adults too, would rather have a full day - play date with you then get yet another toy that will only cause more clutter, create more use of hazardous plastic and ultimately end up tossed aside and then in the landfill. Teach them how to ride a bike, climb a tree, snowboard, play music, make art, cook that last and create incredible people! One of my favorites is to do IOU's! I owe you a garden in the spring, I owe you a night out dancing, I owe you a home cooked meal, I owe you a poem, I owe you a handmade scarf, I owe you a nutrition consultation, I owe you a movement program....share your talents, your passions and exploit the dreams of your loved ones!!! Get creative! Make something out of 'nothing'!! Turn your junk into art! Check out this video about making something out of seemingly nothing and giving back to the environment at the same time. Great video, great message, well worth the watch! One Beach Video This week and next week's Daily Practice is about cutting back on the waste, getting creative with gifts and being mindful of the waste you are creating. Give the gift your talents, your services or donate to a cool nonprofit in there name! If you want to check out non profits to donate to in someone's name, here are a few spots that have great lists: One Percent for the Planet or check The Year of Giving Adventurously Give the Gift of Living Life Alive!! Give the gift of the BEST F-ING YEAR!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Daily Practice! The Great Caffeine Debate!

I feel as though lately, I have had alot of people ask me my thoughts on coffee and caffeine, esp as alot of people are doing the Roots Wise cleanse and talking about eliminating coffee from their diet. My take is that caffeine in and of itself is not a bad thing...rather it's how we incorporate caffeine into our lives that can make it harmful. Along with excess caffeine consumption seems to come excess stress. We create a vicious circle of stress and fatigue with the use of excess stimulants, for our bodies to have to deal with. Often lack of energy starts with sub-optimum nutrition leading to fatigue which leads to the use of stimulants for energy.... leading to an over use of stimulants causing stress, anxiety, mood swings and even more fatigue from the crash....leading to a dependence on stimulants causing exhaustion, depression, chronic fatigue and an inability to cope with stress....all of which ultimately leads to withdrawal and all the BS that comes with that!!! Sounds like a damn good time eh?! Key to all of this is the word EXCESS. There are so many debates going on about whether or not caffeine is good for you or not and so much research being done to prove both points. After so much research and experimenting on my own, I believe that since caffeine is something that has been ingested for thousands of years (via various herbs around the world) there has to have some redeeming qualities...If I didn't think so, I would have started an Energy Tea Company! In an attempt to continue to keep the Daily Practice posts brief, here is a quick summary:
  • Caffeine in moderation can be good for us on so many levels
  • Caffeine in excess, in any form, can lead to adrenal burn out, chronic fatigue, depression, etc, etc, etc!!!
  • Make your caffeine count by choosing sources that are richer in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants such as green tea or yerba mate
  • If you crave real - long lasting energy: decrease your caffeine consumption, increase your water intake, get plenty of sleep and MOVE!!
  • Limit coffee or tea to no more than 2-3 cups/day...remember a cup is 8 oz not 24!

There are various sources of caffeine and an energy boost out there...know what you are ingesting and make the best choice. Moderation is the key to living a long, healthy, energized life! Your challenge this week for the Daily Practice: be conscious of your caffeine intake from all the various sources that surround us, do some of your own research, cut back as best you are able and take time to enjoy it...there are tea rituals all over the world for a reason....but it's how and when we ingest that determines how it affects us. Live a life with less stress!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Daily Practice!! This is SERIOUS!!!!

Your Daily Practice for every day for the rest of your life....reduce your consumption of plastic as drastically as you can!
Plastic has taken over, taken control of our lives and soon will be the death of us as a species after it kills our oceans...Sound a little dramatic I know but it's not at all. What we have created, plastic, will ultimately destroy us. The evidence is undeniable and devastating. We have already heard of the dangerous effects that the chemicals in plastic have on humans...
  • Direct toxicity, as in the cases of lead, cadmium, and mercury
  • Carcinogens, as in the case of diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP)
  • Endocrine disruption, which can lead to cancers, birth defects, infertility issues, immune system suppression and developmental problems in children.
But what about our environment, our oceans and all of marine life... Have you heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?? It is destroying our ocean...and we can take action!!

"Most of our waste today is comprised of plastic. Plastic, which is made from petroleum, is a material that the Earth cannot digest. Every bit of plastic that has ever been created still exists, except for a small amount that has been incinerated, releasing toxic chemicals.

In the ocean, plastic waste accumulates in swirling seas of debris, where plastic to sea life ratios are 6:1; where birds and mammals are dying of starvation and dehydration with bellies full of plastics; where fish are ingesting toxins at such a rate that soon they will no longer be safe to eat.

The largest of these garbage swills is known as the Pacific Gyre, or The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is roughly the size of Texas, containing approximately 3.5 million tons of trash. Shoes, toys, bags, pacifiers, wrappers, toothbrushes, and bottles too numerous to count are only part of what can be found in this accidental dump floating midway between Hawaii and San Francisco."

Please, please watch this video: Great Pacific Garbage Patch This utterly disgusts me, infuriates me, makes me want to do everything I can....hence why I am sharing this with you. This time of year plastic surrounds us at even more alarming rates. Black Friday is around the corner...boycott it! Cut your consumption of plastic, eliminate the use of so many plastic bags and so many plastic water bottles. With an estimated trillion single use plastic bags being consumed around the globe every year, earth's fragile eco-systems are crying out for help. Countless species are suffering from the litter of plastic bags which are designed to be used only once and then tossed into the heap. This christmas, give more by giving life. Think about your purchases before you swipe the card...even better don't swipe them at all. Give gifts that mean more, that last a of friendship, time spent, health, a cleaner environment/home for your kids and grandkids. Instead donate to a your favorite organization working to clean our oceans in your loved one's name. Here are a few examples: The 1% for the Planet website has a great database of non-profits to check out. Right now is the time for so many reasons. We as a society are fired up right now, not just aobut the state of our environment but also the state of our economy and class division. This last quarter is what the giant corps, that we are fighting against, are literally banking on! Boycott Black Friday. Boycott consumerism. Boycott plastic. Do what you can, even if it's only a little right now...every bit helps. Please, pretty please!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Best F-ing Year!!

“The Best F-ing Year”-A bold new concept designed with the sole purpose to inspire people worldwide to have the best year of their lives and spread the message to others.

This is NOT a business idea and the goal of this is not to generate income but instead to generate positive ACTION in peoples lives. This is not at all solely about fitness or health or losing 30 pounds. It is about each and every persons interpretation of living each and every day fully culminating into a years worth of those experiences.
We are trying to start a revolution of living life fully for everyone. Most of us here are blessed to know how to live fully and full of adventures but we are living in a world of 1 in 3 obesity and rampant unhappiness. let's help those people, ourselves and everyone else looking for a little inspiration!
T-Shirts Are Available!!
We started with a small batch to see and now need more! People are stoked and want to spread the word! Your "F-ing" can mean whatever you want it to!
We will be placing another shirt order on or around December 5th. Get your order in now! Gift giving season is around the corner....why not give those you care about the gift of inspiration! Forget about material itmes and inspire lasts a whole hell of alot longer! A portion of the procedds from each T-shirt sale will go to various charities as the word spreads. The first organization we picked will be the Maple Street Bike Park in Essex, Vt. The bike park will be a rad community gathering spot to hone your skills, get out and learn to ride a bike, practice your dirt jumping technique and straight up just move!!
T-shirts are black with White lettering across the front for the men and charcoal with white lettering for the ladies. The ladies will be a slimmer fitting women's shirt. (in the pic below Skye is wearing a men's brown with black and white design...these new ones will just be black and white like the logo)
$15 for short sleeve and $20 for long sleeve (men's only) (few more bucks this batch b/c we went with higher quality tees and this doesn't include shipping if you want us to ship)
Shirts come with some stickers too! Start tagging your own stuff or other people's stufff....below is a sample of what we have been up to!
Send a check to Megan Walsh or Skye Nacel at:
P.O. Box 897
Morrisville, VT 05661
And we'll get you your goods to you by Dec 20th one way or another!
If you want us to ship shirts to you...add $5.00 for S&H.

Fall Cleanse Complete and Feeling Like a Rock Star!

So Skye and I just finished up our week long fall cleanse! And we are both feeling so incredible! The cleanse is an easy way to get back on track, clean out your system of sugar, toxins and general junk, and set a solid foundation to get back on track with healthy living! We are energized, feeling lighter and less bogged down. We ate alot of greens, soups, roasted veggies and desser was a Skye special...plain yogurt with blueberries, walnuts, chia, and damn good! Pics below along side our jugs of detox tea. We got a bunch of folks inspired to do the same and the feedback is rock solid. Check out a few posts ago for info on the cleanse or get in touch with me if you are ready to get yourself back on track! This is what Skye said of his experience: "Just finished up 7 days of this and feeling amazing in areas all over. Mental clarity, digestion, libido etc are some of the few areas things have really ramped up and relearned some new habits about eating that are gonna stay with me forever! You can teach an ol' dawg new tricks!"

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Daily Practice....Get outside!

Hey all! This week the Daily Practice is all about being outside! We're lucky this week that the weather is incredible and it makes us crave being outdoors....but we are heading into winter. anticipation of your tendencies to stay inside, get practicing being outside! It is sooo important to keep moving outdoors all year round...Vitamin D is missing in a big way in our lives in the winter and spending some time outside each day will help the your mood and spirit throughout the winter. Fresh air, another good reason, no explanation needed! If you chosen to live in cold with it right! Get outdoors and have some fun one way or another!
This week Skye and I hung out with some 8th graders at the Barnet School for their Movement Adventure class with Skye of Mocean365. It was freakin' crazy to see the kids in the classroom, which is where we started (only for intros though) vs outside. They had these glazed over looks on their faces, and they looked annoyed, bored and fairly uninterested. Then Skye got them outside as soon as possible to MOVE...and instantly their faces lit up, their personalities appeared and they were laughing and running around like the awesome animals they are!
So for the next recommendation for all of you is to get outside for as long as you can each and every day....and then DO NOT stop there when the weather turns...keep heading out, dressed accordingly and your body and mind will thank you! Hit us up for all the winter movement adventures we will be leading around VT and NH!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Cleanse...Doing It Up!

A couple times a year, Skye and I get all wild and crazy (a different kind of wild and crazy from our norm!) and do cleanse for a week or so. The 2 best times to do a cleanse (in my mind) are in the fall and in the spring. Going into winter we want our bodies to be in great shape...clean living kind of shape... so we can shred all winter! If we have to deal with the cold yet again (before we head out of dodge for warmer weather in the winters!) why waste that time being sick, feeling dragged down, stuffed up and pissy. It's so important to go into winter with strong bodies and strong immune systems. Our bodies take a beating, both good and bad, every day with what we put into them, how we treat them and how we move them. Cleansing helps our bodies recover, replenish and become reinvigorated so we can keep doing the things we love with all the energy we want! So what follows is the current cleanse we are about to start following (as of tomorrow!). Follow along with us or hit me up for more info if you want guidance or meal/food recommendations. It's not hard at all, just takes a little commitment and consciousness.
Fall Cleanse Rules
Drink 16 oz lemon water upon waking before anything
Each day aim to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water
Have 1 tblsp of psyllium seed powder each day mixed in something (like a smoothie)
Drink at least 32oz of Roots Wise Detox Tea every day (counts toward total water intake)
On the lightest day (of activity) have nothing except The Master Cleanse Supercharged Water
Avoid Entirely!
All meats
All dairy (except plain yogurt with active cultures)
No corn (read labels...though if youhave to read a label, you probably shouldn't be eating it)
No wheat (read labels)
No added sweeteners
No caffeine (except green tea if needed)
When in doubt...Nothing White! (pasta, flour, crackers, potatoes, sugar etc)
No soda (ever!)
No vinegar (salad dressing can be olive oil and lemon)
No processed anything!
Enjoy Freely!
Fresh fruit (esp apples/pears/grapefruit)
Fresh veggies (raw or lightly steamed)
Add beets, leafy greens (kale/chard/spinach), seaweed
Limit grains to: brown rice, quinoa, oats
Breakfast Ideas:
Oatmeal with fruit
Grapefruit with yogurt
Snack Ideas:
Fresh fruit!
Veggies and Hummus
Apples/pears with nut butter

The Master Cleanse Supercharged Water

1 quart water with 1 lemon squeezed in it then add 2-3 tblsp of maple syrup and cayenne to taste
Lemon wakes up the liver to detoxify, syrup provides glucose for energy since you aren't eating anything and cayenne provides warth and gets your blood pumping!
Drink ONLY this one day during your food, just this all day! Do this on a day that will be light in activity and when no important decisions are to be made!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Daily Practice

The Daily Practice is just that...about what we want and need to practice each day to create a life full of passion, learning, adventure and inspiration. We all have things we need to get better at or want to get better at...that could be anything from learning an instrument, how to cook or learning another language, to being more patient with those around you or practicing a better way of life. It came out of a conversation my man and I's had about our continuous desire to be better people by being more well rounded....I want to learn spanish so when we travel to the places we love, so I can show more respect to the people of that country and so I can laugh away with the kids we always end up playing with. I want to dig into more creative outlets, surf better and be a better health many things! In order to do these things, it takes daily practice, time and thought. The Daily Practice was also inspired by the many people that I have worked with over the years who have worked damn hard to get back on track with their health. It's not easy to go from the couch to your first 5k or your first adventure race and it sure as hell is not easy to go from eating like you know you shouldn't to eating REAL FOOD, especially when your surrounded by so much American food crap! It takes Daily Practice! We all have it in us but somehow we forget so the work, the practice and make life more passionate, inspiring and fun! I KNOW that this practice will turn us into better people, to be apart of a better community living in a better world, treating each other and our earth with more respect. Reminds me of a conversation we were having about getting our nephews into surfing, 'practicing' amazing experience that can't help but turn them into stewards of the oceans and the earth. The Daily Practice was started on Roots Wise's Facebook page but I decided to move it to this medium so as to try to spread it to more people can 'share' it and refer to it as much or as little as you want. That to me is what facebook should be about....spreading inspiration and stoke to all! So, I will post each week and link it to FB. Please feel free to comment or share pics of you in 'practice'! Each week I will post a thought or mission for you for that far they have ranged from getting creative to being positive to eating more fruits and veggies. Random thoughts from a random woman! Do the work and make it happen!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fire Cider...Winter Tonic

This time of year always begins with a batch of Fire Cider brewing and the brewing continues until the first sign of spring, though of course there's really no need to stop brewing no matter what time of year. Fire Cider... other names include Cyclone Cider, Dragon Water, etc., is a sweet, spicy, and sour blend of zesty herbs. Traditionally the recipe included ginger, horseradish, garlic, onion and cayenne in a base of apple cider vinegar. It has been attributed to many herbalists over many years and now you see it listed as a must in any kitchen, apothecary, outdoor adventurist's pack, hardy winter working hands, skier, snowboarder and anyone else who wants to shred all winter and keep warm! I first fell in love with it living in California where I would devour it by the bottle and only until I noticed there was 1 or 2 gulps left, did I actually slow down and gingerly sip it, until I knew the next batch would be ready. Upon moving back to the east coast and true winters...I learned of it's true prowess. Fire Cider does just that! Fires you up! It gets the circulation pumping from the core out to your fingers and toes, it activtes the mind and body so you are alive and ready for whatever comes your way! What's the point of living in Vermont if you can't continue to enjoy the outdoors through each and every season! It also keep you immune system in action and ready for what my come your way. Since when did a winter cold and flu become the norm?! Our bodies can be kept strong and ready so as not to succumb to the bug out there...keep moving, get outside and breathe fresh air, sleep well, smile and drink fire cider for your health! The herbs I use today, mirror the traditional herbs utilized, though occasionally I will add a variation. Ginger, for too many reasons to mention, is one of my favorite herbs and I will say I do go a bit heavy here. The beneficial properties of Fire Cider are well rounded and varied. As I mentioned above, most of the herbs have some degree of antibacterial properties and circulatory stimulating is an excellent tonic to see you through the winter months, helping you to ward off colds and flus and also keeping your blood warm. I will only scratch the surface here of their benefits...

Ginger helps to stimulate peripheral circulation, keeping your hands and feet warm and your brain active. It also provides added warmth to your second chakra center, (ah that's the loins by the way...!) which is always of benefit in these cool winter months! Ginger also aids in stomach issues including nausea and vomiting and sluggish digestion.

Horseradish, yet another favorite, has excellent antibacterial properties and is of much benefit in respiratory tract and urinary tract infections. It is also effective for promoting stomach secretions and is often used as a digestive agent. Garlic, ahhhhh garlic, what more need I say!

On to cayenne, which offers a more intense stimulating effect on the circulatory system than say ginger and is very useful to promote the movement of mucous from the body as well as acting as an anti-inflammatory, which often our whole body needs, both inside and out. So, all of this in a base of apple cider vinegar and bam! What you are left with, after a few weeks of patience and tempered desires to just open the damn jar, is a stimulating, fire inducing, antimicrobial, immune stimulating kick to the blood flow which will keep you warm, help remove wastes from the body and fight infection at the same time.

A basic recipe: Chop: 1/4 -1/2 cup fresh horseradish root, 1/2 cup fresh ginger root, 1/2 cup of onion, 1/8 -1/4 cup of garlic (depending on how much you like garlic), and 1/2 -1 fresh cayenne pepper or 1 tsp cayenne powder Place all of the above in a glass quart jar and cover with apple cider vinegar. To avoid the metal rusting on your metal mason jar lid separate the lid from the jar with a piece of unbleached parchment paper...or don't use a metal lid! Allow this yummy concoction to seep for at least 2 weeks or up to 3 months. My favorite results come after 6-8 weeks of seeping when the layers of ginger and horseradish have been allowed to fully unfold. The flavor will change as you go. Of course dive in at any point if you must.

When you have decided it's time to dig in...strain the goods from the vinegar into another glass jar. May be kept out of the fridge as vinegar is a natural preservative. If your blend is to spicy or you like it sweet...add some honey.

How to Use Fire Cider: My favorite way is to gulp, though since I know that's not the best way...I advise you to sip! 1-2 tblsp/day is a great dose as a tonic. It can be taken up to 3x/day with the first signs of a cold or upper respiratory tract infection. Another way to get your daily dose in is to use it as a base for a salad dressing or to flavor steamed veggies. Fire Cider can be used externally as a compress for sore muscles or to aid peripheral circulation. So, gather your roots together and spice up your life!