Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Daily Practice...Conscious Gifting

Tis the time of year that many people are in search of the perfect gift to pass on to a loved one, a friend or a family member. I have to admit that I have a real hard time with this time of year, the concept of gift giving and with the amount of waste that abounds. We stopped giving gifts in my family a long time ago and we all are thankful. There are certainly ways of giving that don't require excess waste, dollars we don't actually have to be spent, and gifts that support the environment rather than exploit it. We have all heard this over the years, with every Christmas season that comes around: "Give the gift of love" and "Think about the needy" and "We don't need to show people we love them with gifts"....redundant right? We know it yet more often than not, do not follow it right because it really does feel good to give! I challenge you to live this. To continue to be the giver of yourself and your services, the environmentalist, the doer, etc...just do so by living it through this time of year as well. Christmas doesn't have to be an exception to your values and to doing what you know is right. At the risk of sounding "righteous" or a "downer" on christmans...think consciously about what you buy: is it really needed? Is is a waste of plastic? Don't you think kids and adults too, would rather have a full day - play date with you then get yet another toy that will only cause more clutter, create more use of hazardous plastic and ultimately end up tossed aside and then in the landfill. Teach them how to ride a bike, climb a tree, snowboard, play music, make art, cook etc...gifts that last and create incredible people! One of my favorites is to do IOU's! I owe you a garden in the spring, I owe you a night out dancing, I owe you a home cooked meal, I owe you a poem, I owe you a handmade scarf, I owe you a nutrition consultation, I owe you a movement program....share your talents, your passions and exploit the dreams of your loved ones!!! Get creative! Make something out of 'nothing'!! Turn your junk into art! Check out this video about making something out of seemingly nothing and giving back to the environment at the same time. Great video, great message, well worth the watch! One Beach Video This week and next week's Daily Practice is about cutting back on the waste, getting creative with gifts and being mindful of the waste you are creating. Give the gift your talents, your services or donate to a cool nonprofit in there name! If you want to check out non profits to donate to in someone's name, here are a few spots that have great lists: One Percent for the Planet or check The Year of Giving Adventurously Give the Gift of Living Life Alive!! Give the gift of the BEST F-ING YEAR!

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