I feel as though lately, I have had alot of people ask me my thoughts on coffee and caffeine, esp as alot of people are doing the Roots Wise cleanse and talking about eliminating coffee from their diet. My take is that caffeine in and of itself is not a bad thing...rather it's how we incorporate caffeine into our lives that can make it harmful.
Along with excess caffeine consumption seems to come excess stress. We create a vicious circle of stress and fatigue with the use of excess stimulants, for our bodies to have to deal with. Often lack of energy starts with sub-optimum nutrition leading to fatigue which leads to the use of stimulants for energy.... leading to an over use of stimulants causing stress, anxiety, mood swings and even more fatigue from the crash....leading to a dependence on stimulants causing exhaustion, depression, chronic fatigue and an inability to cope with stress....all of which ultimately leads to withdrawal and all the BS that comes with that!!!
Sounds like a damn good time eh?! Key to all of this is the word EXCESS. There are so many debates going on about whether or not caffeine is good for you or not and so much research being done to prove both points. After so much research and experimenting on my own, I believe that since caffeine is something that has been ingested for thousands of years (via various herbs around the world) there has to have some redeeming qualities...If I didn't think so, I would have started an Energy Tea Company!
In an attempt to continue to keep the Daily Practice posts brief, here is a quick summary:
- Caffeine in moderation can be good for us on so many levels
- Caffeine in excess, in any form, can lead to adrenal burn out, chronic fatigue, depression, etc, etc, etc!!!
- Make your caffeine count by choosing sources that are richer in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants such as green tea or yerba mate
- If you crave real - long lasting energy: decrease your caffeine consumption, increase your water intake, get plenty of sleep and MOVE!!
- Limit coffee or tea to no more than 2-3 cups/day...remember a cup is 8 oz not 24!
There are various sources of caffeine and an energy boost out there...know what you are ingesting and make the best choice. Moderation is the key to living a long, healthy, energized life!
Your challenge this week for the Daily Practice: be conscious of your caffeine intake from all the various sources that surround us, do some of your own research, cut back as best you are able and take time to enjoy it...there are tea rituals all over the world for a reason....but it's how and when we ingest that determines how it affects us. Live a life with less stress!
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