- Direct toxicity, as in the cases of lead, cadmium, and mercury
- Carcinogens, as in the case of diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP)
- Endocrine disruption, which can lead to cancers, birth defects, infertility issues, immune system suppression and developmental problems in children.

"Most of our waste today is comprised of plastic. Plastic, which is made from petroleum, is a material that the Earth cannot digest. Every bit of plastic that has ever been created still exists, except for a small amount that has been incinerated, releasing toxic chemicals.
In the ocean, plastic waste accumulates in swirling seas of debris, where plastic to sea life ratios are 6:1; where birds and mammals are dying of starvation and dehydration with bellies full of plastics; where fish are ingesting toxins at such a rate that soon they will no longer be safe to eat.
The largest of these garbage swills is known as the Pacific Gyre, or The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is roughly the size of Texas, containing approximately 3.5 million tons of trash. Shoes, toys, bags, pacifiers, wrappers, toothbrushes, and bottles too numerous to count are only part of what can be found in this accidental dump floating midway between Hawaii and San Francisco."
Please, please watch this video: Great Pacific Garbage Patch This utterly disgusts me, infuriates me, makes me want to do everything I can....hence why I am sharing this with you. This time of year plastic surrounds us at even more alarming rates. Black Friday is around the corner...boycott it! Cut your consumption of plastic, eliminate the use of so many plastic bags and so many plastic water bottles. With an estimated trillion single use plastic bags being consumed around the globe every year, earth's fragile eco-systems are crying out for help. Countless species are suffering from the litter of plastic bags which are designed to be used only once and then tossed into the heap. This christmas, give more by giving life. Think about your purchases before you swipe the card...even better don't swipe them at all. Give gifts that mean more, that last a lifetime...gifts of friendship, time spent, health, a cleaner environment/home for your kids and grandkids. Instead donate to a your favorite organization working to clean our oceans in your loved one's name. Here are a few examples: The 1% for the Planet website has a great database of non-profits to check out. Right now is the time for so many reasons. We as a society are fired up right now, not just aobut the state of our environment but also the state of our economy and class division. This last quarter is what the giant corps, that we are fighting against, are literally banking on! Boycott Black Friday. Boycott consumerism. Boycott plastic. Do what you can, even if it's only a little right now...every bit helps. Please, pretty please!!
Amen to that! I've been trying to reduce my plastic use/consumption for years now. I use my own grocery bags, carry a stainless steel water bottle and use mason jars like they're going out of style! I still have a long way to go but at least it's a start! Lovin' that you're blogging more regularly! Have missed it~ <3
yes yes yes! its about time we all make more conscious efforts to do what we can to curb or even eliminate(hard) plastics from our lives. thank you Meggy for such a great article!
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