It's time to give you all an update with the happenings of Roots Wise...
First off, starting on March 9th (this tuesday! get geared up and sign up!)is the first in a series of Adventure Conditioning Camps put on by Skye of Mocean365. Throughout the camps Roots Wise will be offering nutritional support and counseling for all those who preregister to fuel the fire and keep you active and healthy!
What Mocean365 has to say about the camps:
They will be on Tuesdays outside from 5-30- 7pm in Waterbury VT. The first camp called "Base Camp" is just that. Setting a base with general conditioning in a group setting outside. Nutrition work will be done by Roots Wise so you can get your machine running smooth. Movement and diet in one shot!
Work the body in all planes of movement as we prepare for the more challenging work to come. Lots of fun, play based moves as well that will have you laughing as you are challenged, imagine that?! No stuffy gyms here, just fresh air, the elements(snow, rain, or shine) and preparing our body so we can do the stuff we love better and longer. Like ride our bikes, ski/board, or maybe just chase around the kids and be generally more fit and healthy and prevent injuries before they happen.
We are also pleased to have some great sponsors providing support in the surrounding community. The Alchemist, Vermont Peanut Butter, I-Ride, Five Hills Bikes, and IdeRide will be adding to the goodies with some discounts and schwag as well! Big thanks to all of them! Did we mention the camps are right next to the Alchemist so lots of good food after and maybe a cold drink!
Contact us asap to sign up for any of the three series of camps.
Camp One- "Base Camp" March 9th-March 30th 4 session- $80
Camp Two- "Shreddy Ready Camp" April 20th-May 25th 6 sessions- $100
Camp Three-"Ready Rippers Camp" June 15th-July 20th 6 sessions- $100
Contact or call (802)888- 6262 to reserve your spot NOW!
On March 13th come check out Roots Wise and many other incredible Vermont producers at "The Taste Of LACE". If you haven't checked out LACE yet, they are must...a hardworking crew of people all about supporting the community that sustains them. They are a grocery store, cafe and community kitchen all wrapped up in one and they fully support local agriculture, food producers and crafters in every way they can.
Then on March 14th, I will be teaching a Spring cleanse class at Sweet Hollow Herbs in Johnson, Vt...come join's FREE!! (but I do accept donations!)
Spring Cleansing Class - Donations will be accepted
Sun. March 14, 12pm – 2pm ~ Megan Walsh, Roots Wise Herbals
Spring is a great time to cleanse the stagnation and debris that has
accumulated over the winter. Learn about the food and herbs that make
for a great spring cleanse to boost energy and rebuild that strong and
vibrant mind, body and soul. We will discuss the physiology of
detoxification and proper liver and digestive support. You will be
presented with a step by step dietary plan, a quick, fun and simple
movement sequence to get the blood flowing and you will go home with
3-5 days worth of a yummy detox tea!
Sweet Hollow Herbs 50 Main St. Johnson – please pre-register 802.635.2355
In late April, I will be teaching a series of classes at Sweet Hollow Herbs. The series will cover a multitude of herbs from A-Z (focusing on those that grow in this area or can be grown in this area) and will inlcude such information as parts used, actions, traditional uses, modern uses, how to grow and how to harvest and prepare. this class will be of benefit to beginner and advanced herb students alike! More info to come!
March 21st: TEA TASTING! At Healthy Living Market in Burlington, VT
Healthy Living is a large health food store that is greatly supportive of local goods. I will be doing a tea tasting there on the 20th from 1-3 pm. Healthy Living Market sells my teas in bulk, which is a great, cost effective way to stock up!
Check out there website at:
On March 27th...Roots Wise will be featured at the Vermont Healers Expo!
"Join us for our Spring Expo in Montpelier on March 27th from 9 am to 4:30 pm.
This event is free to the public and will include: keynote speaker Gwen
Hallsmith, workshops, demos, vendors, and more!"
This event is put on by the Vermont Healers Organization and is a great chance to meet health care practitioners of all sorts and it's FREE and will be chock full of great information and education!
Check out there website at:
Soooo...lots happening, come on out and play. The time is now for health... to create a healthy lifestyle, to live that healthy lifestyle and pass it have fun and live passionately in the meantime!!

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