Friday, October 10, 2008

let's get it started!

living roots wise is about living life passionately, consciously and with spirit and integrity. the idea stemmed from a desire to kick myself in the butt to do all of those things! i currently own and solely operate an herbal business called Roots Wise Herbals, of which i have dedicated about 10 years to. over the years the biz has taken various shapes and utilized various outlets to serve it's purpose and keep it alive. i have to say that in the last 2 years in particular, i've been in a rut with it regarding what i really want to see stem from it. Roots Wise Herbals has been an incredibly creative outlet for me over the years, keeping me busy and continuously scheming up new avenues with which to walk it down. it has been a tool that has led me to meet some incredible people and communities. it has opened me up to being more comfortable socially, spiritually and physically. and it's given me something to sink into over the years! i am a creature of thriving on keeping busy, hands always in one project or another. body and mind enthused by new challenges and new people. hence the outlet for me to share the changing shape of Roots Wise, the thoughts that go along with that metamorphosis, and for the people who have supported me and my business over the keep up to date where they can continue to buy tea, extracts, oils or whatever. living roots wise, over time, will consist of a forum for info about health, nutrition, herbs and what's going on around you can connect with people and events that are inspiring, passionate and digging into their roots! oh and travel! (hoping to use this forum as an outlet to have to go a travelin'). a huge kick for this blog has been all the incredible people i know doing incredible things! i hope to help spread their word and happenings and inspire people to live each day as fully as they can in that moment, by passing on what does it for me!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blog. Thanks for being such a beautiful woman, inside and out. xox

mocean365 said...

I am stoked you are up and running and sharing your wonderful insights with all of us. looking forward to seeing what that great mind and spirit drums up and continues to be an inspiration to all!
namaste and mahalo

Anonymous said...

Well done! Your blog and stories are wonderful! So, you are practicing yoga! Your photos are lovely too, can't wait for the next round of stories! Much love to you old friend, would like to catch up soon....

xo, Lona