Thursday, October 16, 2008

diggin' roots

so...this past week has been filled with diggin in the dirt. codonopsis, echinacea, elecampagne, marshmallow, and pleurisy roots all rich with medicine and all yielding to my supple, respectful hands. roots teach us patience, instinct, humility, strength and well, i could go on...they also teach ya how good it is to get your hands really dirty! your fingernails filled with what feels like inches of dirt, soil, sod, you name it. your digging so deep that your fingers are numb from motion, from action. the smell in the air is pungent...the codonopsis is sweetness and the pleurisy diffuse while echinacea tingles through the air. this is medicine to me. a woman by the name of Laurel Luddite, also a student of the amazing herbalist Michael Moore, wrote an essay called "This is Anarcho Herbalism". check it out! an excellent summation, written over 5 years ago, never not relevant.

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