Happy Earth Day everyone, today and everyday! It's inspiring to see so many movements towards, in supportive of and in praise of this incredible place we call Earth. While these movements, old and new, blossom and grow deeper, there still are many "movements" out there that are acting in direct opposition to the support of that which sustains them. Check out some of the great movements and organizations that
are taking the time, energy, patience, dedication and respect that it takes to support that which supports them and spreading the good word along the way!
Supporting local is one great way that individuals can both support the local economy while reducing your carbon footprint, start simple or go all out , whatever works for you in your life...it's about the consciousness. Check out what Seacoast Local is doing to educate individuals about what easy steps they can make in their lives:
www.seacoastlocal.org. Another great site is
www.cuesa.org, the Center for Urban Education Sustainable Agriculture. An organization based out of San Francisco but with applicable info to all running rampant on their site.
Roots Wise is about a way of life. Incorporated into this life, very integrally, is health to maintain this way of life. For me herbal medicine is a strong foundation for my health and thus the health of this planet. Herbs are medicines of the earth, the old ways of healing that have sustained cultures of the healthiest and strongest peoples in history. Medicinal plants can be found in every region of the world and the use of plants for healing has been prevalent in all cultures throughout history and continues to play an important role in medicine today. Ponder how your choices for health and healing effect this earth, this great planet that needs our support. A quote from the late, great herbalist Michael Moore:
"In this country, the herb business mostly revolves around recently marketed substances, with new research and it comes to us from them. Whereas, we're trying to establish, as much as possible (in this lower level, if you will) the fact that we need to create a practice and a model that is impervious to faddism. We're trying to practice in a way that derives from practice rather than marketing. Not from above to below but from below around. Bioregionalism uber allies. Keep it local. No centralization because centralization kills everything. The largest axe that I grind in my work is to make herb users aware that herbs don't mysteriously materialize into capsules. It is so important to view botanical medicine as they do their produce and dairy products, the closer to the source, the better the quality."
Get to know your local herbalist too!